My Story

On Monday, May 31, 2010, I embarked on a mission to lose weight and to get into the best shape of my life for my wedding. For a long time that mission was a success until life started getting stressful and food became a way to cope with that stress. To make a long story short, the mission fell short before my wedding day was here. And to make things even worse, I stopped eating healthy, exercising, and blogging for over two years. I now have a very beautiful wife and baby boy but my health is still crap. So to turn things around, I am brining back "The Heavy Man" and the "Mission to Healthy."

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day #167 - A Long but Very Fun Day

Today was a very long and fun filled day. Even though I weighed in this morning at 233.8 lbs, which was another pound gained from yesterday morning, I still had a great day. I had 2 great weight lifting days within the last 3 days and I strongly believe that this little spike in my weight is do to that. I guess this would be the down fall of weighing yourself everyday. Because you can actually see the many different fluctuations the human body normally goes through during the course of the week. I actually feel like I am winding up, by taking a few steps back, before I sprint forward and leap into the 220s for good.  It will happen my friends because I am determined to make it happen!

Anyway, I started the day off by meeting up for breakfast, with an old friend of mine. And yes, I did eat a nice and healthy breakfast. Then I decided to go home and get my workout in for the day, which just so happened to be my weight lifting routine. After I was done working out, I went home to make sure that I was showered and ready to go into NYC, for my brother's comedy show at the historical, "Comic Strip." For many of you who don't know what the "Comic Strip" is, it is the place where Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock got started in their careers. My brother did very well!! After his show was over, we made our way back to New Jersey for a party, honoring our good friend who is about to have a baby. The interesting part about walking into the party tonight, was that a lot people thought I was my brother. My brother is 2 years younger than I am and he is 175 lbs. I consider that mistake to be a compliment to all of the hard work I have been putting in the last few months. And I am now home writing my post for the day.

I started the day at 7 am this morning and it is a Saturday!! But I did manage to eat healthy the entire day as well as getting a workout in, so I didn't have to worry about it tonight. It ended up being a long but very fun filled day. Until tomorrow my friends, have a great night!

With that being said, let's get to the details of the day:

Meals of the Day (The Heavy Man - 36 Points)
(I am currently following the Weight Watcher's Points System)

Breakfast - Egg whites with a slice of american cheese on a wrap = Points 6
Early Afternoon - 1 Boca veggie burger with a slice of Weight Watcher's american cheese on 2 slices of Weight Watcher's whole wheat bread with a serving of baked chips = Points 6
Late Afternoon - (1) 6" Turkey sub on whole wheat bread with 2 slices of american cheese and a side of baked chips (Subway)  = Points 10
Dinner - Grilled chicken with a slice of american cheese and lettuce on a wrap with a side of honey mustard and fruit = Points 10
Dessert - 1 Fruit Cup = Points 2

Total Points Eaten Today = 34 Points (2 points under my daily limit)


Today I executed my weight lifting routine: Dumbbell Press on Stability Ball, Alternating Single Arm Pull Downs, and Alternating Single Leg Press (4 sets of each x 15 reps each), Push Ups on Half Ball, Lateral Raises on Half Ball, and Triceps Kickbacks with Band (4 sets of each x 15 reps each), Alternating Single Arm Rows, Alternating Single Arm Front Raises, and Alternating Single Leg Extensions (4 sets of each x 15 reps each), and Planks, Alternating Dumbbell Curls, and Side Bends (4 sets of each x 15 reps each). Tomorrow I will be doing cardio.

Day #167 - Weigh-In = 233.8 lbs
Day #167 Weigh-In

Day #167 Front Shot

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