My Story

On Monday, May 31, 2010, I embarked on a mission to lose weight and to get into the best shape of my life for my wedding. For a long time that mission was a success until life started getting stressful and food became a way to cope with that stress. To make a long story short, the mission fell short before my wedding day was here. And to make things even worse, I stopped eating healthy, exercising, and blogging for over two years. I now have a very beautiful wife and baby boy but my health is still crap. So to turn things around, I am brining back "The Heavy Man" and the "Mission to Healthy."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day #240 & #241 - To Much Snow!!!

As I sit here tonight (Wed, Jan 26, 2011 - Day #241), writing this most recent post, I am reminded of how much I miss the warm weather. As many of you know, I live in New Jersey and we are currently in the middle of a very bad snow storm right now. The kind of snow storm that does not allow you to see a foot in front of you as you drive down the street or attempt to look out the window. So with this being said, you could only imagine how hard it was to get to the gym to workout. But being either the brave or dumb person that I am, I decided to take the trip to the gym anyway because I didn't want to miss my workout. I didn't want to miss the workout today because I managed to actually get below 202 lbs, as of this morning, and I was afraid to lose the momentum that I currently have.

Anyway, it usually takes me about 10 minutes to get to the gym but this time it took me a little longer. And as I embarked on my very snowy journey, I manage to pass two cars stuck in the snow in the street and I got stuck behind the snow plow brigade for what seemed to be a life time. However, this story does not end successfully because the gym was closed when I got there. All of that was for nothing. So I turned around and made my way back home. Of course there is always tomorrow but I am afraid to see if I went back up in weight because of the missed workout today.

Yesterday (Tues, Jan 25, 2011 - Day #240) was a very boring day. I was in the office the entire day from morning until around 7:00pm, came home for dinner, and then went to the gym to workout. So you all didn't miss anything. But I still want to leave you with my update photos for both yesterday and today. Until the next post, have a great night everyone!!!
Day #240 (Tues, Jan 25, 2011) Weigh-In
Day #240 Front Shot
Day #241 (Wed, Jan 26, 2011) Weigh-In
Day #241 Front Shot
With that being said, let's get to the details of today:

Meals of the Day (The Heavy Man - 45 Points)
(I am currently following the Weight Watcher's PointsPlus program)

Breakfast - Egg whites on a whole wheat roll with a slice of american cheese = Points 8
Snacks - 1 serving of wheat thins, 1 serving of 100 cal pretzel pack, and 1 apple = Points 7
Early Afternoon - 1 serving of homemade Chicken Pot Pie (Weight Watcher's Recipe) = Points 8
Late Afternoon - 1 serving of homemade Chicken Pot Pie (Weight Watcher's Recipe) = Points 8
Dinner - 2 servings of homemade Stuffed Shells (Weight Watcher's Recipe) = Points 11
Dessert - 1 Weight Watcher's ice cream cone = points 4

Total Points Eaten Today = 46 Points (1 point over my daily limit)


I did not workout today because my gym was closed due to a very bad snow storm.

Day #241 - Weigh-In = 201.4 lbs

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Days #238 & #239 - Up and Down...Goes My Weight

I apologize for not posting the last two days until now. Some times it is hard to break away from life to get things you want to get done. But again that is not an excuse and I will focus on being as good as I was, putting up posts, before I went down to Charleston for the month of December. Anyway, Sunday (Jan, 23, 2011-Day #238) was a great day because I visited my mom for the first time since the end of November. And the best part was, I am 20 lbs lighter since I have seen her last. And her reaction was exactly what I thought it was going to be. It is always good to put a smile on my mother's face, when it comes to my weight loss program. She was the one person who gave me that life changing wake up call, almost 8 months ago, that started this entire mission to lose weight.

Below are the update pictures for Sunday. Notice that my weight had gone up since my weigh-in Saturday morning. I had reached my goal of 202 lbs on Saturday morning but then executed my weight lifting routine and had a cheat meal, on Saturday afternoon, to celebrate my 100 lbs lost. So, my weight did go up on Sunday morning but has started to go back down since then.
Day #238 (Sun, Jan 23, 2011) Weigh-In
Day #238 (Sun, Jan 23, 2011) Front Shot
Monday (Jan, 24, 2011 - Day #239) was just about the same as every Monday. I traveled into the office, completed all of the objectives I had mapped out on a daily check list, and then ventured into NYC to see my brother's show at Caroline's on Broadway. And of course I ate healthy the entire day. The only two things that were different yesterday, is that I did not get a chance to play basketball last night because of my brother's show and I did not make it to the gym to workout. I had set my alarm for early in the morning but I slept right through it. And then I was in the City last night until 10:30pm, so I did not have much time to do anything. I did however, walk 30 blocks in the freezing cold. That must count for something.

I did start the day off on a good note yesterday because my weigh-in was less than what it was on Sunday. So I am apparently dropping back down to 202 lbs and hopefully more, if I can keep this momentum going. Anyway, below are yesterday's (Mon, Jan 24, 2011) update photos. I hope you enjoy and I will talk to you all in the next post. Until then, have a great day!
Day #239 (Mon, Jan 24, 2011) Weigh-In
Day #239 (Mon, Jan 24, 2011) Front Shot
With all of this being said, let's get to the details of yesterday (Mon, Jan 24, 2011):

Meals of the Day (The Heavy Man - 45 points)
(I am currently following the Weight Watcher's PointsPlus program)

Breakfast - 4 Eggo nutrigrain waffles = Points 7
Snacks - 4 rice cakes and 1 pear = Points 6
Early Afternoon - 1 Boca chicken patty with a slice of Weight Watcher's american cheese on a WW whole wheat roll and a serving of baked chips = Points 11
Late Afternoon - 1 Boca veggie burger with a slice of Weight Watcher's american cheese on a WW whole wheat roll and a serving of baked chips = Points 10
Dinner - 2 pieces of grilled chicken on 2 slices of white bread and 6 french fries = Points 12

Total Points Eaten = 46 Points (1 point over my daily limit)


I did not make it to the gym yesterday but I did walk 30 blocks in the city last night, to catch a train home.

Day # 239 - Weigh-In = 204.0 lbs

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day #237 - An Adjustment Period

Yesterday morning (Sat, Jan 22, 2011) I weighed in again at 202 lbs!! It was my second day in row weighing in the 202 lbs range. This means that as of yesterday, I was still at 100 lbs lost for the mission!! And I know this next part is going sound stupid. But I actually went out with Patty's family, who was up by us yesterday, for a cheat meal to celebrate my 100 lbs lost. I know it sounds like a bad idea but I was so happy with myself that I just had to do it. I know this morning's weigh-in might be a little over 202 lbs but it was well worth it. Not to mention, yesterday was the first day I lifted weights in a week, so that will add to the potential higher weigh-in as well. But I am determined to be under 200 lbs by the end of next week anyway. I now know it is possible for me to be at 202 lbs or 100 lbs lost!

Anyway, I took my first weight lifting trip to my new gym yesterday. And let me tell you what an experience that was. As you all know, I am very used to an empty gym and being abe to use any machine I want, at any time. But yesterday was not the same story. This new gym, Platinum fitness, is a very popular gym and it is always crowded in there. I think the $10/ month plan is obviously working. Getting back to the story, I was actually fighting for machines. Which in a way actually caused my workout to speed up because I had to time everything perfectly before another person jumped on the machine that I had to use next. So it actually made me sweat a little more than usual. But on the other hand, it was not fun trying to sneak my way onto a machine. This new gym transition is going to be an adjustment period that I am going to have to be patient with. And believe me, I am not going to give up, even if I have to fight for every machine. I mean not literally fight with everyone, I mean work even harder to get what I have to get done.

Well it is another full day of NFL football and I am excited to see both games!! Until the next post, have a great Sunday my friends!

With that being said, let's get to the details of yesterday (Sat, Jan 22, 2011):

Meals of the Day (The Heavy Man - 45 Points)
(I am currently following the Weight Watcher's PointsPlus program)

*Yesterday was a cheat meal day, to celebrate my 100 lbs lost for the mission. I will be back on the normal eating routine again today.

Breakfast - 4 nutrigrain waffles
Snacks - 1 apple, 1 pear, (2) 100 cal pretzel packs, and 2 granola bars
Lunch - 1 serving of french onion soup, a cheese burger with waffle fries, and a serving of peanut butter pie
Dinner - 1 serving of whole wheat pasta and 2 pieces of home made garlic bread (All Weight Watcher's Ingredients)
Dessert - 1 Weight Watcher's ice cream cone


Yesterday I executed my weight lifting routine: Dumbbell Press on Stability Ball, Lat Pull Down, and Side Dumbbell Lunges (4 sets of each x 15 reps each), Push Ups w/ Stability Ball, Upright Cable Rows on Half Ball, and Alternating Bicep Curls (4 sets of each x 15 reps each), Cable Rows, Side Raises, and Squats with Stability Ball ( 4 sets of each x 15 reps each), and Planks, Triceps Push Downs, and Side Dumbbell Bends (4 sets of each x 15 reps each). Today I played basketball and tomorrow I will be executing my weight lifting routine again.

Day #237 - Weigh-In = 202.0 lbs
Day #237 Weigh-In

Day #237 Front Shot